5.4 The Viewing Trip

Your client’s time

This is very different from showing a residential home to someone who already lives in the neighborhood.  It is a planned trip that needs to be tightly scheduled on a date that has been agreed upon with property managers and owners.  This is why it is best to schedule trips in the low season when there may be more available to view.

Your client is spending is often spending a significant amount of money on hotels and flights so check property availability before dates are picked

If a client is working their schedule around a vacation, it may indicate they are not as committed as if they are focused on a trip that is solely planned for viewing properties and meeting with suppliers, service providers, and vendors.

Showing appointments

This should be a well-thought-out itinerary, scheduled around the availability of properties.  Bear in mind that it’s not that easy to do showings during a rental changeover.  There will be cleaning teams on the property and they are working to a deadline to ensure the home is ready for the next guests so do not expect it to be in pristine condition.  There’s likely to be cleaning materials, unmade beds, maintenance work going one, and the cleaners present, so this does not make for a very satisfactory viewing.

Connect with property management companies to assess availability and know that each property is likely to have its own home access and not be using Supra.  Check the property listing calendar for any last-minute bookings so you don’t arrive with your client to find guests in situ.  This is embarrassing all around.